One Hundred Years of Solitude
“One Hundred Years of Solitude” is an ode to Colombia (our founder's birthplace),
Latino heritage, its heroes and the solitude and despair we’ve experienced
through the pandemic.
The novel tells the story of the Buendía family, spanning 100 years, in the
fictional town of Macondo, Colombia. As each family member is born, they
inherit the names and dispositions of their family in patterns of strengths,
weaknesses, defeat, and triumphs that loop and recur. Throughout the
story, the Buendias endure plagues, war, rain, unrequited love, all mixed with
wonder & magical realism.
Like the novel by Gabriel García Márquez, our collection will be an adventure
through the Amazon wilderness of a new life. Our planet is changing, life is
changing. And we’re challenged to analyze the ways we produce, the ways
we live, how we can create & adapt. How would these many characters
dress as they explored this new land of magical realism? How would they
dress in reckoning with and embracing unknown adventure?